Welcome all viewers, to what is definitely the most awesome website you have EVER seen or will ever see in your entire lifetime. (Of course it's not true, but we like to think so) You'll find anything you can think of involving entertainment here on the site. We've even got some things that don't involve entertainment such as Photoshop and GIMP. But, we've got music, videos, games, and more right here, so if you've got some time to kill or need to be "Entertained" (like my pun?) then go ahead and explore 24/7 Entertainment! Enjoy the site, and DON'T FORGET TO LEAVE A COMMENT ON ANY OF OUR PAGES!!!! IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU DON'T WANT TO, PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT ANYWAY!!! Anyways, enjoy 24/7 Entertainment!
Check out my playlist, brought to you by playlist.com, a great site to create your own playlist for free. All you've got to do is create an account, find the music you want, add it, and copy the HTML onto your site like I did!